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Domain production

Despite the gradual transition to coke-free metallurgy, blast furnaces, as pig iron smelting units, will be in operation for a long time. There are three main sources of harmful emissions in blast furnace production. The first source is the foundry. Dust is emitted from it during the discharge of cast iron and slag from the furnace. The direct points of dust emission are cast-iron and slag chutes, tapholes and places of installation and filling of cast-iron ladles. Our standard project provides for the shelter of all places of dusting and the evacuation of dusty air with further purification in a bag filter. Similarly, dusty air is removed from the dusting points in the under-bunker rooms (feeders, conveyors, dispensers, screens, etc.) and also cleaned in a bag filter.
We have also developed a unique system for dry cleaning of blast-furnace gases in a bag filter, which has a huge environmental and economic effect. We already have references for such installations, the practical payback period of which is no more than 1.5 years.

The advantage of our equipment

  • Innovative technologies of own development for dry cleaning of blast-furnace gas
  • Ability to automate the process with the transition to manual mode, when necessary
  • Reliability and durability, service life more than 10 years
  • A simple control mechanism that does not require additional knowledge and skills

What services do we offer for blast furnace production.

  • Design, manufacture and commissioning of aspiration plants for foundries and bunker rooms based on modern bag filters with pulsed regeneration;
  • Installation of state-of-the-art systems for dry cleaning of blast-furnace gas based on bag filters, with the complete elimination of the wet circulation cycle of existing obsolete gas cleaning systems;
  • Development and implementation of technological systems for dust removal during volley gas emissions from the intercone space of the furnace when loading charge mats;
  • We offer full service maintenance of aspiration and gas treatment plants of the blast furnace shop;

Individual order

Find out the cost of the service for you


Our address

Ukraine, 69008 Zaporozhye, st. Expressovskaya, house 6

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