Water treatment equipment

Water treatment equipment

NPP “Dneproenergostal” produces 4 types of installations designed to collect, utilize and decompose various impurities and solutions. The main purpose of mechanical water treatment equipment is to filter water from polluted substances (oil, oils, liquid industrial waste).

Installation for the collection of oil products from the surface of the water


The installation design consists of several elements: body, float, vacuum tank, suction head and pipeline. The shape of the body is made in the form of a glass, connected to the reservoir with the help of suction nozzles. The components of this structure provide for the collection of oil products from sources that have a variable water level.

How it works

The device is placed above the surface of settling ponds, storage ponds and other closed water bodies. Even the minimum level of a layer of substances is suitable for its work.

By supplying air with simultaneous displacement of water, the suction mechanisms of the unit collect and vertically move oil products. Impurities of substances with air particles enter the installation from a depth of about 10 meters. This does not take into account the viscosity of the collected mixture. Water is separated from oil products using a two-level system. At the output, layers of polluted matter are obtained, which contain almost no moisture and are ready for further processing. The efficiency of this equipment depends on the collection height, air pressure, layer thickness and the like. Using the unit will help to cope with emergency leaks and dispose of hazardous products without harm to the natural environment.

Installation of used saline solutions

Recycling installation is a complex object. As a rule, it consists of several transportable blocks in one room, which are protected by three-layer panels. A set of equipment may include: pumping units, compressors, filters, control cabinets and other devices.

Such a facility is designed to process the common salt solution that occurs during the restoration of sodium-cation exchange filters. As a result, sodium chloride is formed, which can be reused. Settling of alkaline earth metal salt brines occurs with the help of reagent treatment.

The compacted sludge from the process contains magnesium and calcium carbonates. It has a short settling time and a high filtration coefficient.

Filters are usually regenerated with 8-10% saline solution. Due to the cleaning of the filter elements, the water flow with chlorides enters the reservoirs. The increased concentration of these substances negatively affects the level of salt in natural sources. When using this installation at a thermal power plant and at economic production facilities where there are boiler houses, the amount of chlorides will decrease by 30-40%. Also, water hardness and the amount of scale on the equipment of the enterprise will decrease.

Spent emulsion decomposition plant

The equipment is intended for use at metalworking enterprises that use cutting fluids (coolants). Such substances separate the friction surfaces, reduce its force and cool the cutting tools.

How it works

The work process involves chemical methods of decomposition of dangerous liquids. Decomposition products can be water, metals and oils.

Mixes of petroleum products come out with treated coolant.

Residual substances are subject to neutralization with reagents and are sent for processing together with industrial wastewater. Waste coolant emulsions are toxic and have a negative impact on the environment. Specialized installations with the help of purification technologies for these liquids allow the reuse of substances extracted from them.

Pressure water filter

The equipment creates closed water supply cycles for enterprises and is used for post-treatment of wastewater from suspended solids.

The structure of pressure filters includes a housing, initial treatment devices (aerators, compressors), a pipeline, shut-off and control valves. The filter media, bedding and distribution systems are placed inside the equipment. The filter is equipped with an automatic air duct.



How it works

The cleaning process in a pressure water filter consists of several stages:

– Fluid supply to the upper distribution system.

– Removal of substances inside the hull using a special load.

– Collection of treated water in a single container and its discharge from the lower installation.

The concentration of suspended solids in purified water is 50% with a size less than 5 microns. The filter capacity varies from 150 to 170 m3/h. The efficiency of work and the number of filters depend on the specialization of enterprises.

Why choose us


New technologies

State license


Features of cooperation with the company

LLC NPP “Dneproenergostal” is ready to consider any wishes of customers related to the change in the structural elements of the equipment and their use in non-standard technological processes. Upon receipt of the questionnaire, you will be offered the optimal gas cleaning system using this or alternative equipment. When signing a contract for the manufacture of filters, the issues of installation supervision, adjustment and warranty (service) maintenance are considered separately.

Filter Calculator

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Implemented projects on this equipment

Dneprovsky Metallurgical Plant

The industry-forming enterprise LLC NPP Dneproenergostal has long been one of the market leaders and provides environmental services for Ukraine and the CIS countries. The enterprise has existed for more than 50 years and during this time has accumulated a unique experience in solving the problems of environmental protection that modern society poses.

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Other equipment

New developments

NPP Dneproenergostal LLC has developed a personal gas purification system, which is emitted by blast furnaces at metallurgical enterprises. The principle of operation is the passage of gas through the filtering part of the bag filter under the influence of a pressure difference. This innovation is applied at enterprises that use blast furnaces of various capacities.

Cartridge filter

Cartridge filter - equipment designed for air purification in conditions with a high level of input dustiness. Such modern dust collection systems effectively remove fine dust (including solid aerosols) and smoke generated during welding, plasma, gas and laser cutting, etc.

Pressure chip filter

This machine is used as a dust collection system for the woodworking industry. It is able to clean the air up to 95% and is designed to remove wood dust and shavings from working plants. The equipment consists of filter bags, a dust tank, a fan, a base on wheels and a control box.

Silo/Storage Filters

This is a type of filter designed to clean equipment from dust in enterprises that use bulk materials. Filtration occurs by shaking the unit with an electric vibrator. The accumulated material is returned to the silo. The most commonly used installations are factory dust extraction systems.